Praxidyn's Fusion Skid comes equipped with Mixmate Fusion Inductor, flowmeters, valves, pumps, plumbing and wiring securely mounted on stainless steel skid to streamline installation. It features four inputs for bulk chemicals, with automated measurement and control of water.

The Fusion Skid is designed for large batches and can be easily converted for drone applications.

The Fusion Inductor handles jugs and dry products in seconds, measuring by weight for precision. Bulk chemicals are mixed in a closed system, ensuring safety, accuracy and speed. The factory-calibrated flowmeter eliminates the need for additional calibrations, while automated water measurement and control, along with system flushing after each mix, enhance efficiency. The Mixmate system's automated mixing and recordkeeping boosts productivity.

With its compact 4 x 5 feet stainless steel skid design, the Fusion Skid maximizes trailer space. Standard features include four bulk chemical inputs (with expansion options), three-inch water control, and the Fusion Inductor. The Hypro high-performance electric start pumps enable rapid mixing of large chemical batches and can easily switch to handling smaller, quieter drone batches.

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