There’s a new YouTube channel devoted to all things farming New Holland’s dedicated YouTube channel is a resource for a wide variety of farm equipment-related information. The channel currently has 36 videos covering topics ranging from making great hay to equipment at work in the fields, as well as, how-to tips and animated videos that reveal the inner workings of farm equipment.
“Our YouTube channel creates an incredible opportunity to broadcast our brand and engage our audience with compelling content,” says New Holland’s North American Senior Director of Marketing David Greenberg. “We plan to keep adding new videos weekly that inform and entertain. We invite all viewers to subscribe to the channel and upload your agriculture, outdoor and farming related videos.”
The New Holland YouTube channel showcases videos on six playlists:
1. Want to see the world’s largest combine set a Guinness World Record? On the Featured Video playlist, watch New Holland’s massive CR9090 combine power through a field of wheat in record time.
2. Looking to buy a tractor and want to know about all the features? You’ve come to the right place! In the Product Overviews section, take a guided tour around a compact tractor.
3. See all sorts of farm equipment at work cutting, baling, mowing and harvesting in the Products in Action section. Sit in the cab as you watch a combine harvest grain or see how New Holland’s Discbine® Wide Thin Kit can reduce hay dry-down time and increase feed value.
4. Ever wonder how the pros spread and grade dirt and gravel? Get detailed instructions and operating tips from the equipment experts in the How-To’s section.
5. Discover the secrets of how a baler compresses hay to form a bale or how a combine threshes grain with centrifugal force in How It Works.
6. Check out the Testimonials from farmers, ranchers and farm families who tell their stories.