Charter Software announces an interface between their Windows-based business management software, ASPEN, and JDC CONNECT2. The Connect2™ interface provides real-time interaction with John Deere’s credit decision system.
Using the interface, dealers who accept Farm Plan, AgLine, PowerPlan, and/or JDCRP as payment can get instant authorization, accept payment or run a sale using the ASPEN Point of Sale screen without having to use a terminal and/or the CheckF software. The Connect2™ interface also transfers invoice-level detail for Farm Plan and AgLine, allowing that detail to appear on the customer’s monthly statement.
Charter Software President Anne Salemo says, “We take pride in our close relationship with John Deere. It has allowed us to develop a large number of interfaces that benefit their dealers. At Charter Software, our goal is to provide tight seamless integration between major manufacturers and our business system products, so we are very pleased to add Connect2 functionality to our ASPEN business management system.” She adds, “John Deere dealers have a choice in business systems. Our integration with John Deere and our excellent support record makes ASPEN an affordable and reliable option for dealers who want to save time and money and improve profits. Deere dealers looking to upgrade from an older system should give ASPEN serious consideration.”
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