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On product quality: Exmark is proud of the high quality and durability of our products, but we always want to raise the bar.

On parts availability: We support the products we sell with original Exmark service parts. Our fill-rate leads the category. We understand part usage among our customers and encourage our dealers to have good inventory to ensure parts are available when needed. But even if they don’t, we have them available to ship from our warehouse – often in 24 hours.

On parts quality: Exmark Original Parts are tested to the same specifications as the production parts built into the equipment. Dealers and end users can be assured that world-class testing and quality assurance are built into our service parts.

On product technical support: We want Exmark dealers to be the best trained, most knowledgeable resources possible. With this goal in mind, we have increased the number of opportunities our dealers have to participate in training, and have made it easier for dealers to access and find the Exmark information they need. This includes a technical support line to give dealers an easy, dedicated point of contact for live technical assistance with any Exmark product.

On responsiveness to the dealer: Our dealers are the face of Exmark to most end users. We want and need them to be informed about the product, the warranty, the programs, the financing and to provide the best service after the sale. We work hard to improve the dealer experience and at every level in Exmark, we spend time with our dealer network learning about their needs. That helps us set priorities for improvement.

On recent significant changes: Our dealers’ success is a high priority for us. We want to be the manufacturer our dealers prefer to work with at every level of the business.

On initiatives for the coming year: It’s going to be an exciting year for Exmark dealers on a lot of levels.


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