
If part of selling is about solving people’s problems, how do you sell when someone doesn’t have a problem with the products or services they’re using? According to a story by sales consultant Lee Salz, 90% of customers say they are happy with their current supplier when first contacted by a salesperson.

They may not actually be happy, per se, but it’s often the easiest route to avoid a sales calls. And, the responses salespeople often follow up with, like asking to contact them in a few months, often don’t work.

Instead consider this approach: “Salespeople need to disrupt buyer complacency and lead them into a receptive state before talking about the solutions their company can bring to bear. That means asking thoughtful questions that lead a buyer to recognize he may not have the best solution he could have for the dollars he’s willing to invest. When a buyer is in a receptive state, only then can a meaningful conversation take place about how you can provide a different solution that would be better for him.”

Salz advises “complacency disruption” questions that promote a discussion. “It's not what salespeople say, but rather what they ask a buyer, that makes them stand out from the competition,” Salz says.

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